Learning Experiences

In first grade, one way to help a concept stick is to have a memorable experience with it, like a project or incorporating art, food, and/or physical movement. A few weeks ago the class used shaving cream to tackle a hard math strategy. This week the class used smarties when I was introducing a new strategy to solve word problems. I drew the tape diagram and the students built the word problem with smarties then they drew it and wrote the number sentences. There was another time recently when the students used candy during reading groups. Each student was given 5 m&ms and used them to segment and blend the spelling words for the week, which cover the spelling patterns that we are focusing on. They had fun learning and had a sweet treat too!

St. James Day School has an annual gala put on by the board of directors. Each class makes an item, or two, to be auctioned off to raise funds for the school. It’s a great fundraising opportunity for the school. First grade submitted two items: an American flag hanging art and the class mission statement poster. The students loved making the flag and we’ve enjoyed our mission all year. I’m happy they both will be enjoyed by two of the first grade families!

Claire Gordon