Historic Washington

Every year first grade takes a trip to Historic Washington State Park, which is very near Hope, AR. In our history lessons we discuss American pioneers. Historic Washington has persevered homes, courthouses, farmsteads, schools, as well as a blacksmith and candle shop. There’s a printing press museum that has a printing press that was used during the civil war. A favorite stop is the weapons museum, which holds hundreds of guns that vary from ones that can fit in the palm of your hand to some that was used to hunt while riding a camel. Historic Washington educates visitors in the ways of the early to mid 1800. It is a fascinating place to visit and a terrific way to bring history to life, giving the students hands on experiences. The students saw the largest Magnolia tree in the state, made a candle, rode a horse drawn surrey, saw chicken, pet a horse, and watched Mr. Jerry make a iron hook in the blacksmith shop. To top off the amazing trip - we had gorgeous weather and a fun picnic. I love taking first grade to Historic Washington every year, I learn new things and see new areas every time. They say pictures are worth a thousand words, and these pictures of the field trip certainly prove that true.

Claire Gordon