Cereal Boxes and Shaving Cream

It was a big week in first grade. It was cereal box presentation week! For the project, each student was assigned an animal from our reading unit. The students had a fact information sheet that they researched at home. The research and a little extra practicing is all the children did at home, the rest is in class. My favorite aspect of these projects is that the students do the bulk of the work in class. They have to cover the box in construction paper, design the front of their cereal box, write their facts and illustrate the animal in its natural habitat on special paper and glue it to the back, and create the sides with more facts from their research. After all of that hard work, they independently present their cereal box in front of the class and an audience of parents. This class was overall a bit more nervous about presenting and the pride they felt after the knocked it out of the park was electric. I was not only impressed but overwhelmingly proud of each of them.

In math the class has been working two digit addition problems. The class is using the quick tens and ones strategy to solve the problems. To have some fun and solve problems in a different way I broke out the shaving cream. They all had a blast!!

Claire Gordon