Shared Learning

First grade had the opportunity to learn about influential people from history, some are within our lifetime and others are not. Every year, the third graders have a biography project. Mrs. Burkes invites the whole school to visit the lower school commons and learn from her third graders. The students also do so well representing their person. The students have trifold boards full of facts and pictures. They also get to dress up as the person who they researched. This is another example of how our St. James students have hands on learning and work on their public speaking skills. The third graders present to not only their classmates, but all of their families and the primary - 8th grade students and teachers. They have to be able to talk to adults all the way down to three year olds. It never fails that they do it with excellence. I love these projects and the chance for the students to practice their public speaking skills as well as my first graders practice how to support their friends and be active listeners. Each project truly becomes a campus wide experience. The older students mentor the younger ones and learn valuable lessons like patience and compassion. The younger students have phenomenal children to admire and look to as examples.

Claire Gordon