First Grade Lately

Since returning from Christmas break the weather has either been frigid or rainy. Finally this week we’ve had sunshine and nice temperatures. With the pleasant weather, I had the class do a little bit of their work outside. I felt like it benefited us all to get some fresh air and soak up some sunshine. During the winter is easy to feel cooped up in the classroom.

Every year, the Texarkana Symphony Orchestra puts on a program that provides students with an interactive experience at the Perot theater. Students across the city go to the Perot and get to perform with the orchestra. They also get to learn about different composers, and other music elements. This year the theme was orchestra rocks, and it was so much fun! The children were able to sing and use their hands/legs as percussion instruments along with the orchestra. When I asked the students what their favorite part was, it was unanimous, they thoroughly enjoyed the Arkansas High’s Drumline.

We’ve been blessed with a precious addition to our class. Now I’ve got a nice updated class picture.

Several times throughout the year I have the students bring a stuffed animal to class with them. On those special days the children have multiple opportunities to read or teach their animal what they’re learning in class. It’s always so sweet to see how excited they are to have their lovey with them throughout the day. Once children reach first grade, they start to seem so big and develop so quickly, but when we have these special experiences, you can still see so much innocence in their eyes. It’s truly a blessing to be able to teach, especially these darling children.

Claire Gordon