October Fun!

Welcome to PE in October! We are in the process of doing our first Fitness Check of the school year this week. The students in 1st-8th grade are tested in 5 areas: Sit Ups, Push Ups, Flexibility, Agility, and Running. We do a fitness check every 3 months to mark our progress. 5th - 8th are also working on their volleyball skills in a drill we call Circle Bump. The students have to use their passing skills to keep the ball off of the floor. Pictured below are some of our 7th and 8th-grade students working together to accomplish that task in our Pre-Athlete class. Also pictured below are some of our 3 yr olds practicing the concept of “over, under, through”. This station is part of our Action Based Learning Lab that we do twice a week. The Lab is a series of progressions and stations, each designed to prepare the brain for input and processing.

nicole chatelain