Jumping into September!

We are having a great time in class! We are learning about space awareness, how to work together in activities, and how to be a good leader. Pictured below we have our Pre School group working on their jumping skill and body awareness in space. We are also working on understanding what it means to: go over/under/through something. This will help them with their writing skills when they start writing their letters. Also pictured below we have one of our middle school classes doing their daily warm ups. I like to use exercise leaders some in my class. This gives the students an opportunity to choose their exercises, stretches, and work on their leadership skills. And last, we have a middle school class playing a game called Ultimate Frisbee. We practiced throwing and catching a frisbee in lower school last year and I told them we would put all the skills together into a game in middle school. Well, they love the game! This game works the cardiovascular system, works on communication, team work, agility, and group cooperation. This game can be played inside, outside, and even at recess. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

nicole chatelain