We are starting the month off with a Fitness Check in P.E.  Each student in the 1st - 7th grade will be tested in 5 areas:  1 minute sit ups, 20-30 second push ups, shuttle run, 5-8 timed laps, and flexibility.  The students are tested 3 times during the school year. Their results are documented so they can see their improvements.  Each student has a different goal, but the main goal is to improve. Wherever you are in your fitness, I want you to improve.  The top 2 scores in each class will be displayed for all to see. There is also a Top Record chart that is displayed in the gym.  Those students that have set a record per each category get to display their name on the record chart. Their name will remain there until someone out scores their record.

After our Fitness Check is complete, we will continue with our Badminton and Table Tennis matches.  Look for pictures coming soon.

Susannah Joyce