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Chester Hunt!

This week was all about Chester the Raccoon and The Kissing Hand! We learned it's ok to be scared and nervous, and no matter what, our mom's & dad's love is always with us! The kids have all enjoyed reading your notes, and we even made "Our Class Kissing Hand Book" which includes your notes and hand prints. Now, throughout the year, if they get sad they can go to our library center and find their notes from you. Finally, we had a CHESTER HUNT with both Pre-K classes! And oh my, did the kids love this! We had a special delivery of clues that led us all around campus and when we returned to our class, Chester had left us a special surprise. Please enjoy the video of our hunt today!

Centers, Table Work, Outside Time

Let’s Measure!


In preschool we introduce units of measurement that children can really wrap their minds around. Usually those are with regular household objects and toys. In these activities children delve in deeper to understand measurement of length and height with blocks and cubes!

How many blocks will my shoe be?

This was a great activity that involved estimating and measuring. I traced everyone's foot on a piece of paper then asked each child how many blocks they thought it would take to go from the bottom of their shoe to the top and wrote down their answers on the whiteboard. Then we measured and counted our blocks and compared the difference with our predictions.

Katelyn Gunter