Academic Objectives


Learning is exciting and fun. Learning is also an essential life task. Given the breadth and depth of our purpose for existence, St. James Day School sets for itself high standards of goals and objectives:

  • To help each student develop his or her own personal and academic abilities in such a way as to acquire a passionate love of learning that does not end with graduation from any institution, but continues throughout a lifetime.

  • To seek to discover each child’s learning style and make the tools for self- discovery a part of his or her daily life, so that every student can take pride in his or her academic achievements.

  • To teach, and in fact to demand, within a stable, loving, and Christian atmosphere, the highest ethical and moral behavior.

  • To plant in each child’s mind a deep understanding, appreciation, and respect for the history of our civilization and of our country.

  • To combine this understanding of classical knowledge and education with insight of our own culture in order to format logical projections for the future.

  • To foster in our students a broad sense of self-esteem and belief that they are capable of achieving whatever goals they set for themselves, while providing the intellectual and academic foundation to make those goals a reality.

  • To instill in each and every person on this campus, an understanding for individual differences, tolerance of differing viewpoints, and respect for all of God’s children.

  • To send our students into the world equipped not only with an outstanding educational foundation for their own lives, but also the character and self discipline to use that education for the good of mankind.

    Hard work is to be expected at St. James. It is also to be enjoyed. We are a school that is passionate about learning, eager to meet intellectual challenges, and secure in a community where each individual matters.